Alex Sr.

Founded in 2006, Alex Insurance Agency is a leader in providing quality protection for hundreds of individuals, families and businesses throughout our state. Providing superior customer service and low rates along with our ability to understand our customer’s coverage needs drives the success of our agency.
By offering world class protection for your Auto, Home, Health, Business, and Life Insurance, we make sure that you're covered today as well as in the future so that you can focus on what is important to you and your family. At Alex Insurance Agency our #1 job is to assist you in identifying your needs and problems, while putting together a customized plan that's simple and easy to understand.
We take the mystery out of insurance and help you make sense of it, so you can look forward to a brighter, more secure future. To do this we evaluate your specific needs, find the company that will give you the best value for your dollar, while supplying a superior standard of protection. The companies we represent offer tested, reliable insurance products and excellent customer service. We make sure that the insurance companies that we represent have an outstanding reputation for fast, fair claims service.
We hope you will benefit from our web site and can take advantage of our experience in serving you for all your insurance needs. We encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Alex Sr., the Founder of Alex Insurance built his first agency through hardwork and genuine care for his clients. Now retired he continues to watch our company grow ensuring the same quality standards remain.
Upon his retirement Alex Sr. passed the reins to his son Alex Jr. whom had grown up in the office; and as times change so to has Jr. worked to elevate Alex Insurance and the service we provide to even higher levels than before.
"The quality of a father can be seen in the goals, dreams and aspirations he sets not only for himself, but for his family."
– Reed Markham

Meet Alex!
As we grow and work to help protect even more businesses and families across the country, Alex Sr. or Jr. may not personally be involved with your service but they are part of every step we've built to ensure we do everything we can to insure your world!
What does your world mean to you?